8. Batch mode (run from command line)ΒΆ

In order to be able to automate the mesh generation process, a batch utility is available. This allows to run the mesh generation on a large number of airfoils. A batch control file is used to specify the airfoils to be processed. The batch control file is a text file which contains the following information:

  • Airfoils which should be meshed
  • Settings to be used for the mesher
  • Output formats in which the mesh(es) should be written

The command used to launch the batch processing is:

python src/PyAero.py -no-gui data/Batch/batch_control.json

The batch control file can be located in an arbitrary folder and have any name. It just has to have the same format as the example file of the installation, see data/Batch/batch_control.json.