2. Quick start guideΒΆ

The general steps for mesh generation in PyAero can be explained as follows:

  1. Load an airfoil contour file
    This is to get the raw data decribing the airfoil contour.
  2. Spline and refine the airfoil contour
    This is to update/improve the contour and prepare the mesh resolution along the airfoil.
  3. Make a trailing edge with finite thickness
    This adds a so called blunt trailing edge to the contour.
    Skip this step if the trailing edge should be sharp.
  4. Mesh the refined airfoil contour
    Start the meshing process.
  5. Export the mesh in the required format
    Save the mesh in the specified format to the harddrive.

This is it.

Check the animation below, on how this looks in the graphical user interface (version 2.1.5).


Step by step mesh generation with predefined airfoil contour